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Wednesday, July 14, 2010

The NL Wins!!!!

Finally after years of losing, the National League defeats the American League in the 2010 MLB All-Star Game. Well, it is about time! The National League is often referred to as the "senior circuit" not because the players are older and beyond their prime but because the league was founded and established years before the more "junior" American League.

It is great to see that pure baseball is back on top. The NL beat the AL at their own game, with the DH (Designated Hitter) in play. The DH is what separates the AL, who uses it, and the NL who doesn't. The NL is the pure form of baseball. It is exactly how the game was played over a century ago with all players on the field in the batting lineup. The NL uses more strategy to win ball games. Bunting, hit and runs, situational hitting and stolen bases are more common in the NL while the AL plays for the big hit and homerun to win games.

Now that the NL has home field advantage, maybe my beloved Pirates have a chance at opening the 2010 World Series at the best ballpark in baseball, PNC Park in Pittsburgh, PA. Ok, enough day dreaming, the Pirates have had the lowest payroll in baseball for years and haven't seen the playoffs since 1992. The Pirates 2010 payroll is $34,943,000.00 and the highest payroll (New York Yankees), an AL team, is $206,333,389.00 with the difference of $171,390,389.00 which is higher than the second highest payroll (Boston Red Sox), another AL team, by almost $9,000,000.00. It is very clear to see why the AL has dominated the All-Star Game and interleague play for years as the top teams in the AL have All-Star line-ups. However, now that pure baseball is back on top, maybe there is a chance for the teams who play the game the way it was intended to be played.

Beware baseball, the Pirates are coming.

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